What change will 21th century will bring to
It is now 21th century when people all look
forward to see a new development that 21th century will bring. Humans have developed many things in 20th century and the progress still continues. By looking at
the age of planet earth, 100 years is not a big thing. However, humans were
able to accomplish many things in a very short period. I'm going to talk about
the things that technological advancement will bring to our lives in 21th
century by giving 3 key words.
smart fast eco
'Smart' became a widely used word after the introduction of smart phones in 21th century. Smart phones are more than a device, it enable people to communicate rapidly and fast even in the far distance. Many people might think even 2G phones were adaptable to do these tasks but smart phones are the actual ones that made people live in 21 century. Facebook, Twitter are one of the most widely used social network system that everyone at least one account. By this people were able to communicate not just thorough voice or text, but even videos, pictures, and their own handwritings. This created something called smart revolution. In the future, wearable computers will be commercialized. Google launched their own wearable computer called Google glass. This enables people to communicate by eyeball movements. Wearable computers were invented by engineers in the past but it was hard to actually commercialize. Thus, Google has possibility to create a new device that will lead the 21th century.

"The early bird catches the worm". This is one of the most well known quotes all around the world. It teaches us a lesson to act more rapid to gain benefits. 21th century will be a fast moving century like an early bird.
People want to use their time efficiently and the desire has lead to the creations of cars, trains, and airplanes. Now, people are moving faster than ever and world is being globalized. On the other hand, it is not only the humans that are moving fast, information moves even faster. On the internet we are able to communicate with friends all over the world, and it makes a whole new society that they can share their information, ideals, and emotions.
People living in 21th century say that it doesn't matter how much knowledge you have it in your mind, but what matters is to draw knowledge out of the internet faster than others. 21th century will demand people who are able to extract information in just seconds.
century is the century that we have to start concerning about our environment.
Our usage of resources has boosted as the result of technological advancement.
In other words, people's pursuit of convenience has created something inevitable to change. Nowadays, almost every family has at least one car and some have two, producing huge amount of carbon dioxide resulting global warming. This wasn't a
common thing even in late 20th century, and this is expected to increase in the future. Beside cars, smart phones are also threatening the ecosystems, especially gorillas. Smartphone uses coltan which is used to store electircal charge. Since, coltan is found at the eastern regions of congo, gorillas are loosing their territory due to human's minning activity.
We cannot make our environment as same as the old times, but we can start to reduce our usage of resources. Our little habits of not taking the convenient route will save the environment of 21th century.
We cannot make our environment as same as the old times, but we can start to reduce our usage of resources. Our little habits of not taking the convenient route will save the environment of 21th century.
21th century, people will live a life that is much better than before. However,
we always have to think that easier path isn't always a good one. World isn't
made just for people living in 21th century, it is made for us and our future
generation. Like our ancestors have build the earth of their descendents, our
job is to protect the earth and making it a better place for our sons and
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답글삭제Nice :)
답글삭제I liked the idea of giving three keywords and developing separate ideas for each of them.. Better than just simply numbering them first, second, and third.. And great choice of keywords, it seems.. They really show how the 21st century is like..
But maybe you could've written a better conclusion.. The last paragraph (supposedly) should be a conclusion for the whole essay, I thought.. And except the first sentence of the paragraph, it seems to be a wrap-up only for the 'eco' idea.. You know, saving the earth and leaving it clean for the next generation.. Doesn't really cover the other two ideas..
But anyways.. Nice essay xD
Quite a nice essay:)
답글삭제Your essay response is very safe and typical; it had well organized the keywords that everyone might agree that is the top characteristic, or way to develop, in 21th century. Certainly it's a fair response. And your examples were quite unique and well-explaining.
However, why don't try to make your essay a little more creative? Its structure is very creative, considering it's a TOEFL essay. Then why don't you make your organization a little more unique too? I think it would be a nice try.
Oh, and always be careful of your spellings! There are few mistakes that take my eyes. :)
First, I want to say it's a well-written essay in many ways. The keywords you suggested are not really creative but truly important ideas in 21st century. In terms of structure, I love the point that you started the paragraph with those keywords with exclamation marks. It could help readers not lose their concentration and focus on reading your essay.
답글삭제I will really enjoy your essay since I've never thought of the part 'fast' before. In addition, I think your essay is quite well organized in terms of distinguishing your essay into 3 main points 'smart' 'fast' 'eco'
답글삭제However it will be much better if you mention not only about the technology but also the social parts.